Cloud application development services

Yellow provides a vast scope of cloud-based services to cover all aspects of any product idea. We have top-notch software engineers available to build a fast and reliable cloud application. Let us put our experience and high-level expertise to work for you.

Cloud migration

Our specialists work closely with your team to migrate apps and infrastructures to the cloud. We use proven and trusted migration methods to ensure your data’s integrity and safety.

Cloud-native development

Integrating cloud technology into your business will positively affect the core metrics and facilitate scaling up and maintenance. We will help you realize the maximum potential of cloud-based solutions.

Cloud Computing Architecture

Proper cloud architecture ensures all critical processes are correctly connected with one another. We create service-oriented architectures to organize data flows.

Cloud app UI/UX design

If your cloud app needs to be designed from scratch or requires a redesign to meet user needs and optimize flow, our team will take care of it.

Cloud app testing

We plan the testing process and conduct both manual and automated tests to make sure your cloud application will function as it should when delivered to the market.

Cloud app management

Efficient management and maintenance of a cloud app is a key factor in its success. We are prepared to organize the ideal management solutions to help you easily scale up your business.

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Read more about what to expect from cloud services

Cloud app development benefits for your business

Although the line between a cloud-based app and a general web application may seem quite vague, cloud platforms offer numerous advantages to businesses compared to legacy web solutions.

Cost efficiency

Remote cloud solutions eliminate the necessity of buying lots of equipment for your own on-premise servers. Besides, most cloud platforms are based on a pay-per-use model meaning you are charged only for resources you actively use.

Increased flexibility

With cloud services, you can organize a faster delivery to the market and implement updates more smoothly. In this way, the services are tailored to your business needs.With cloud services, you can organize a faster delivery to the market and implement updates more smoothly. In this way, the services are tailored to your business needs.

Closer collaboration

Cloud computing solutions eliminate physical obstacles between clients and staff. There is no physical communication of any kind required, reducing stress for both parties.


All users have access to the information they need from all of their devices. Whenever your employees or clients need to retrieve information, they can easily do so as with only an Internet connection required.

Utmost scalability

Cloud solutions can provide you with an extreme level of scalability. Depending on your business needs, you can scale up and down with ease. No additional hardware, no long and tedious processes. More space and bandwidth within a few clicks.

Automatic updates

To meet the constantly changing requirements of IT infrastructure, cloud service providers automatically update their products. You don’t have to spend your time dealing with manual updating, everything is done for you.

Our process of cloud solutions development

The detailed, well-planned, and structured process of cloud app development allows Yellow to successfully bring your ideas to life

1. Idea

It’s always good to have a second pair of eyes to look at your ideas. Especially if these eyes belong to experts in the field. Yellow will discuss your idea with you and help you answer whatever questions you may have.

2. Research

We will investigate your competitors and help you define a target audience to make the most of cloud app development services. At this stage, we work together with our clients to determine the chances of their products’ success.

3. prototype

Prototyping is a valuable stage in any software development. A prototype helps you understand if your idea will work and find what needs to be fixed in the core concept. It saves you a lot of money in the long run

4. Design

A good UI/UX design is a must for any software. Yellow makes cloud-based apps both functional and beautiful. Your users will have no problem navigating inside the application.

5. Development

Our team uses top-notch technology and design tools to build an app for your business. Cloud platforms are secure and easily scalable to correspond to your business needs.

6. Release

We recommend you start with a minimum viable product (MVP) to validate the idea within the market itself. When initial feedback is collected, we will be ready to proceed with updating, bug-fixing, maintenance, and scaling up.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any Web Hosting questions? We have your answers! Below you'll find answers to the most commonly asked Web Hosting questions.

Cloud platforms are cost-efficient and highly flexible. They make data available from everywhere and create closer collaboration between team members.

Honestly, any industry! Cloud tech can serve healthcare, education, entertainment, travel, telecommunications, and more.

Yes! Cloud services provide you with the utmost level of data security.

Hybrid cloud is a combination of public, private, and on-premise servers and the infrastructure that connects all three parts. It can provide you with enhanced productivity, improved security, and faster processes.

It’s hard to accurately estimate the costs of cloud app development since the requirements differ a great deal from one project to another. Please feel free to contact us with the details of your project for an estimate.

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